Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Prison 101 Tip #10

This bit of information won't relate to everyone going into prison or serving time but it can be helpful. If you have any lawsuits pending or expect or are receiving any sort of settlement or annuity put the money or account in someone else's name. If this is an option make sure it is someone you trust unconditionally because once inside you will have no access to the money unless it is through someone else. If they steal the money from you there isn't much you will be able to do about it. You can hire a lawyer from prison and even have them come to your facility for you to interview but winning a law suit from prison is costly and time consuming. The reason I tell you to hide the settlement money is because if the state or federal government find out about the income they are entitled to a certain percentage of it to cover the costs of housing, feeding, clothing you, ect. The price for your incarceration is usually around thirty five thousand dollars a year or so. If you win a settlement while in prison or in the system and the government finds out about it which they will, they will seize a large percentage of the money. Just something to remember. Contact me for more information with regards to how to hide or launder your money or settlement while incarcerated.

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