Thursday, December 13, 2012

Google not looking to develop apps for Windows 8

This story on Maximum PC explains that Google, in it's infinite wisdom, has decided not to jump on the Windows 8 bandwagon. At least not until it builds a stronger customer base and starts selling more units. The Microsoft Surface RT and Windows phone 8 handsets like the Nokia Lumia 920 and HTC 8x series haven't exactly been flying off the shelves. Poor reviews by consumers and tech bloggers alike have panned Windows 8 for being too difficult to use and too much of a departure from the Windows most people are comfortable with. That being said, I have been using Windows 8 on my non - touch screen laptop for about a month or so now and I like it for the most part. If I could just cut out the "Metro," part of the OS with the tiles and all the pretty colors I would be a happy camper. It is faster, easier to use, and overall a better operating system than Windows 7 was. I loved Windows 7 but Windows 8 blows it's doors off in terms of speed, security, boot time, and just about everything else you can think of. Microsoft is predicting huge numbers for it's latest Windows release claiming 40 million licenses already sold but they're OEM's aren't as optimistic. Lets just face it. Windows 8 is going to take time and strong hardware to move units and so far that hasn't happened. The Surface RT tablet is a piece of junk. There, I said it. It is crap. Hopefully the Surface Pro will be much better but we will have to wait and see. The price point is also completely off target. Microsoft should have tried to under cut Apple and Google but instead are directly trying to compete with them and doing it with products that are simply not as good. So, Google isn't in any hurry to start developing mobile applications specifically for Windows phone 8 and RT, ect. Who blames them? After all this isn't IOS we're talking about here. Anyone out there running Windows 8 on your computer, RT on your tablet, or Windows phone 8 on your, um, phone? How do you like it? Leave a comment and let us all know what you think of Microsoft's latest release. No Google Apps for Windows 8 or Windows Phone 8 for now

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